Genesis 15
Chapter 14 Abram’s victory created enemies; in the area only
14 years, he was the newbie; as a foreigner he was too powerful
for neighboring nations!
Chapter 15 starts with the Lord encouraging Abram:
“Do not be afraid, I am your shield, your very reward”
a) Conquer your fears by remembering Who I Am
b) I am your shield your protector
c) Your very reward Paul’s reference to the reward
we will receive in heaven I Cor. Abram did not take
anything for his part in the battle God said, “I Am your
V2 & 3 Abram expresses ‘the problem’ “I have not
heir/children”. He had already determined Eliezer,
his favored servant/like a son to Abram, would be his
V4 & 5 God responds, “You will have an heir from
your own body…come, look at the stars… so will
your descendants be…”
Abram believed! That led Abram to be called
righteous and God reminded Abram of His promise
Remember Abram was Chaldean now promised Palestine
The Question (doubt or assurance?): How can I know?
We are introduced to a Chaldean Covenant Guarantee
Practice also called “the Cut Covenant/Sacrifice”
V 9-20 The told Abram to bring to Him a heifer, a goat, and
a ram three years old each; plus a dove and pigeon
The heifer = burnt sacrifice (Ex 40) for consecration
The goat = a sin offering (Lev 5) atonement
The ram = a peace/fellowship offering
The dove and pigeon = for simplicity, purity, and innocence
Instructions: cut each animal in
half and line them across from
each other to create a pathway
to walk
The birds were not cut but laid
down opposite of each other in
the line of sacrifices
V11 Abram had to fight off the
birds of prey
V12 16 While Abram slept God
revealed to him the 400 years of
captivity (Egypt), their pain and
God’s promise of deliverance.
V17 20 When the sunset… a smoking pot with a torch
appeared and passed in the middle of the halved pieces
A smoking pot = confusion, destruction, misery, and great
A flaming torch = hope, clarity, and salvation the
consuming fire seen later by Moses
Significant of the Divine/God coming down to guarantee
our salvation!
Again and again, in the midst of our confusion the
smoke God comes to guarantee the promise of
What else could He possibly do?
What is your response?