Trouble at home!
Genesis 12: 10 13: 18
v12 Famine Hit…
V11-13 Abram takes his
family to Egypt.
Egypt Experience…
Before they enter Egypt, Abram
asks Sarai to say she is his sister
because she was so beautiful, he
feared if they knew she was his
wife, they would kill him to take her
Did they have to lie?
The Lord’s response (v14 20)…
It happened! Sarai was so
beautiful, Egyptian officials took
Sarai to be married to Pharoah!
He gave Abram cattle, sheep, etc.
God struck all of Pharoah’s palace
with a disease because of Sarai
In the morning, Pharoah confronts
Abram and sends him & everyone
& everything with him out of Egypt!
I Peter 3: 3 - 8
Your beauty should not
come from outward
…but it should be that
of your inner self the
unfading beauty of a
quiet spirit, which is of
great worth in God’s
sight… they submitted
themselves to their own
husbands like Sarah,
who obeyed Abraham
and called him lord…
you are her daughters.
Abraham returns to the Promise Land
Genesis 13
Back to the Negev
Abram and Lot became very rich…they
moved back to between Ai & Bethel and
called on the Lord
Abram and Lot’s herdsmen began to fight
because the land could not handle all their
flocks and herds.
Abram told Lot, “Let’s not fight, we’re
Abram and Lot go separate ways…
Abram told Lot, “You go right, I will go left, you go left, I’ll go
right… you choose”
Lot looked and saw the Jordan planes were well watered and
green pastures with towns scattered nearby…that’s what he
chose. (selfish…) Set-up his tent near Sodom
Psalms 1 = you will be blessed if you do not walk with the wicked;
or stand with sinners; or sit with those who are mockers…”
V13 Lot moved
close to what God
called wicked/sinful
The Lord speaks to Abram again… v14 -18
Look N, S, E, W…I am giving this
to you and your descendants
Descendants as plentiful as
Go and walk the length &
breadth of all of what I am
giving you It is yours!
Abram built an altar of praise
Abram returned to Hebron
Trouble at home:
The famine, move to Egypt, the fear
produced lie, return to Promise Land
Family split
“Have, have, have” not bring peace
Peace and
only from
with the Lord