Abraham (Abram)
GEN 11: 2612: 9
The 3 Patriarchs: 2 Greek words:
Patria = father + Arche = ruler,
chief, or male leader of family =
Abraham (Abram), Isaac, and
Jacob (Israel)
Jacob’s 12 sons became the 12
Tribes of Israel----becoming the
Nation of Israel
Jacob Isaac Abraham
Terms that came from Abraham:
Hebrew/s = means ‘breath of life’ (Gen 2) also
means “crossing” and “passing through”
Gen 14: 13 = Abraham first called a Hebrew
Hebron = small town 19 miles south of Jerusalem,
Abraham + Sarah; Isaac + Rebecca; Jacob + Leah
were buried there. Means “friend”
Jew/s = comes from “men of Judea”; first used in
II Kings 16: 6
Our text (verses): Gen 11: 26 12: 9
V26 Terah had 3 sons by the time he was 70 years old:
Abraham, Nahor, and Haran.
V27 - 32 Lot was the son of Haran, when Haran died, Terah
took Abram (Abraham), Sarai (Sarah), and Lot away from the
city of Ur to move towards Canaan. On the way, they
stopped at Haran…Terah died in Harran at 205 years old.
Terah’s profession was an idol maker…Abram’s role was to be
Lot’s father.
Gen. 12: 1- 9 God’s hand on Abram
V1 God speaks to Abram and tells him to leave his country,
leave his people, and leave his father’s household.
For Abram, there had to be a complete separation
consecration (separated for only holy use)
Separation = recall Paul’s prison letters (Galatians, Ephesians,
Philemon, Philippians, and Colossians)…be separated from
the old self
Consecration = that which is separated is now dedicated for
His use and purpose
God makes a covenant with Abram:
Suzerian-Vassal Covenant = the King makes a
promise to someone that requires no action from
the recipient. This is an unconditional promise
V4-5Abram had to choose to receive this
promise…so, he left Haran and moved to
The Abrahamic Covenant:
Gen 12: 2 and 3
1. I will make you a great Nation and I will bless you and
your name will be great and you will be a blessing
2. I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who
curse you
3. All peoples of the earth will be blessed through you
V6-9 Traveled until he could
see the “Great Tree of Moreh”
at Shechem
V7 The Lord appeared to
Abram again reaffirming His
promise, “To your offspring
(children) I am giving this
Abram built an altar and
worshipped Him
V8 Abram went
towards the hills of
Bethel (this town was
named by Jacob
writer of Genesis was
after Jacob lived)
And again, he
built an altar to call
upon His name…to
ask for direction and
guidance…then they
moved to the Negev
The 2 Altars
V8 to Call upon the LordV7 to Worship God
What can we learn?
Abraham followed the Lord, believed His promises,
even though he did not see or directly received his
promise while he lived (Heb 11: 8)
Abraham’s strength came from meeting with the
Lord…he built altars – designated places and
purposes to talk with God
Do we? 2025 a new year for new “habits”…
Time for Communion…
Time to call upon
the Lord
Time to worship Him
Time to reset our
relationship with Him