Jesus Is God!
Colossians 1
Written by Paul from Roman
prison 61 ad
Sent to Philemon, Onesimus
carrying the letter
Colossae a trade city
Epaphras started the Church
of Colossae
Confront the gnostic
zGnosticism: “to know” false teaching
Agnosticism: “to not know” – not sure about god…
Atheism: “there is no god”
There is a perfect higher being god
The world was created by a lower-level imperfect god
Union between the perfect holy god is impossible because
all of creation is evil and a pure god cannot exist in or with
man Incarnation is impossible!
Dualism a broken spirit/soul lives in humanity flesh/evil,
all evil actions have no effect on the soul because they are
separate entities
zChapter 1
V1 I know who I am (Paul) an apostle by the will of God!
V2 Written to God’s holy people in Colossae the faithful!
V3-14 Words of encouragement:
We are rejoicing because your testimony of faithfulness has
spread all over the Roman Empire! Your faith and love springs
up from the HOPE you have in Jesus Christ!
Epaphras is with Paul he is interceding for you (Colossians)
Praying that you walk worthy of Christ, with His knowledge
that leads to wisdom and understanding given by the Spirit
zEncouragement & Teaching continues…
(Colossians 1: 9 14)
Let your life be worthy of the Lord (2nd time stated)
Please Him in every way:
Growing fruit in every good work (your character & attitude)
Growing in the knowledge of God (learning from His Word)
Strengthened by His glorious might so you can have patience
and endurance
Giving joyful thanks to the Father He has qualified you to
share in His inheritance He rescued, redeemed, and
forgave us!
Study & Teaching of Who Jesus Christ Is
V15 Jesus is The Son of God the image of the
invisible God and the first born over all creation
John 1: 1-4 & 14, “In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.
Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing
was made… In Him was life…the Word became flesh
(human) and lived among us … Jesus Christ…”
Paul continues:
V16 “All things have been created through Him and
for Him…”
V17 “He is before all things and in Him all things hold
V18 “He is the Head of the Church
He is the Beginning
He is the first born from the dead (resurrected)
He has supremacy over all…”
V19 “The fullness of God, the Father, is in Him”
zPaul continues:
V20 “Through Him (Jesus) all things are reconciled to
the Father by making peace through His (Jesus’)
blood shed on the cross”…
2: 9 & 10 “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in
bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought
to fullness…”
V21 We were once alienated from God…
V22 BUT Now!!! Reconciled through His death and
resurrection He presents us holy and without
blemish and free from accusation, v23, if you
continue in your faith…”
zBig Problem…Big Lie…
Gnostics today still say God could not become
human Jesus became human (The Incarnation)
Atheists deny there is a God Romans 1:18-20
they have no excuse!
Agnostic believes there could be a god… somewhere
out there… Can’t have personal relationship with us
Deists believes there is a god who created all but left
it for humanity to work it out…
God’s Word Teaches:
“…the Lord himself will give you a
sign: The virgin will conceive and give
birth to a son, and will call him
Immanuel (God is with us).”
Isaiah 7:14
“For in Christ all the fullness of the
Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ
you have been brought to fullness…”
Colossians 2: 9-10
zStand Firm!
Jesus IS God!
Our Immanuel!