Obadiah’s name means “servant of the
Started ministry around 605 bc in Judah
when Nebuchadnezzar became King of
Saw the destruction of Jerusalem and exile
of the Nation of Judah in 586 bc
He ministered the same time as Jeremiah
His book is only 1 chapter with 21 verses
Declaration against Edom:
v2 “I will make you small among the nations, you will be
utterly despised”
v4 “Though you soar like eagles…I will bring you down!”
v6 “…Esau will be ransacked, his hidden treasures stollen”
v7 “Your friends will deceive you and overpower you…”
v9 ”Your warriors, Teman (1st grandson of Esau) will be
v10 “Because of the violence against your brother Jacob,
you will be covered with shame and destroyed forever!”
Who is Edom? Why are they being punished?
Gen 25
*Isaac & Rebekah become pregnant with
*They seriously fight in the womb and
Rebekah asks the Lord “why?”
The Lord said,
“Two nations are in your womb, and the two
peoples from within you will be separated;
one people will grow stronger than the other,
and the older will serve the younger.(v23)
Esau was born 1st he had bright red hair all over his body
Esau/Edom means “red”
Jacob was 2nd he was clinging to Esau’s heel
so he was named Jacob meaning “deceiver”
Esau became a strong hunter Isaac’s favorite son
Jacob became a ‘homeboy’ Rebekah’s favorite son
v29-34 Esau despised his birthright and sold it to Jacob for a
bowl of soup…
Gen 27
Rebekah helps Jacob deceive Isaac and Isaac prayers the
blessings of Abraham’s Covenant with God…
The birthright:
“I (God) will make you into a great nation and I will bless
you; I will make your name great, and you will be great, and
you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and
whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will
be blessed through you.”
Jacob lives with his uncle and marries Leah and Rachel
God leads Jacob to return home. He now has 11 sons and
1 daughter.
Gen 32: 1 21 Jacob’s name changed to Israel (one who
wrestled with God and with people and have overcome)
Gen 33: Esau and Jacob reunite. They separated where
they lived. Esau has 3 sons and 11 grandsons. The 11
grandsons become Kings of their own territory this
becomes the country of Edom.
Esau/Edom Throughout the Old Testament:
Exodus 15:15 = Edom will be terrified of Israel (Moses’ time)
Numbers 20: 14-21= Moses asked the rulers of Edom for
permission to pass through their land they denied them 3x
Deuteronomy 2: 1-6 = The Lord led them to pass through
Esau’s land because God gave Edom the Mountain of Seir
Deut. 23: 7 = Do not despise an Edomite, they are family
Country of Edom in relationship to Israel’s location
Davidic Line
I Samuel 22: Saul chasing David trying to kill David. Doeg
(an Edomite) tells Saul that David went to the temple in Nob
(city) to worship. Saul went to Nob and ordered his troop to
slaughter all the priests they refused, so Doeg killed more
than 85 priests and their wives and children to please Saul.
II Samuel 8: 13 & 14 David kills over 18,000 Edomites and
the survivors became servants/slaves in David’s kingdom
II Kings 8: 20-22 During Jehoram’s rule of Judah (848-841bc)
the Edomites rebelled and set-up their own kingdom again
II Kings 14: 7 Amaziah (a positive King) defeated 10,000
Edomites and regained rule over the Edomites. Amaziah
reigned from 796-767 bc
Now back to Obadiah in 586bc approximately 200 years
(Jer 49: 14-16 = v1-4 &
Jer 49: 9-10 = v5-6)
V. 17
Mercy shown!
Because Esau/Edom is Abraham’s grandson, he will be
punished for his arrogance, rebellion, and sin, BUT will not
be “erased” from existence!
Deliverance will come from Judah’s family line:
v17 “But on Mt Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and
the house of Judah.”
v21 “Deliverers will go up on Mt Zion and to govern the
mountains of Esau. And the Kingdom will be the Lord’s!”
What do we see?
God’s mercy is great!
Is there anything, any sin, any
disobedience you have done
that God will not forgive?
That His mercy will not forgive?