“Embraced by
Embraced by God
Prophet during the fall of Assyria
(Nineveh) 612bc. Remember Jonah
and Nahum
Between the years of 612 bc; Josiah
died in 609 bc; and Nebuchadnezzar
became the Babylonian King in 605
Identified as a Levite because of his
songs and use of poems throughout
his writings (1:2-4; 1: 12-17; and 3: 1-19).
Q & A Between Habakkuk and God:
Chapter 1:
V2 Q: “How long, Lord, must I call for help…but You don’t
save?” “Why do you tolerate wrongdoings?”
V6 A: “Look … watch… and be utterly amazed! I am raising up
the Babylonians…”
V12 Q: “Lord, are You not from everlasting? My God, my Holy
One, You will never die. You, Lord, have appointed them
(Babylon) to execute judgement; You, my Rock, have
ordained them (Babylonians) to punish…”
Chapter 2
2:1 “I (Habakkuk) will stand at my watch … I will look to see what
He will say to me…”
V3: A: “The revelation awaits an appointed time…though it
lingers, wait for it; it will certainly come without delay.”
V 4: “The righteous will live by their faithfulness.”
5 Woes woes are a declaration of judgement to come
The 5 Woes (vv 6 19):
#1. Woe to him who makes himself wealthy by extortion! gives
loans but charges high interest rates
#2. Woe to him who builds his life by ruining many people!
Abuse of power (Deut. 16:19)
#3. Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed and injustice!
Corrupt political system (Micah 3:10)
#4. Woe him who exploits his neighbor to disclose their secrets
to gain his own glory
#5. Woe to him who worship anything other than the Lord God!
V20: “The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth
be silent before Him” – a command to stop and
Chapter 3 Song of Praise and Worship
V2 “Lord, I have heard of Your fame (Red Sea, crossing of
Jordan, and miracles of past); I stand in awe of Your deeds, Lord.
Renew them in our day (do it again, Lord), in our time make them
known; in wrath remember mercy…”
V13 “You came out to deliver Your people, to save Your
anointed one.
V16 “I heard and my heart pounded, my lips quivered at
the sound … my legs tremble. Yet I will wait patiently for
the day of calamity (Babylon's conquest of Judah).
V17 “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no
grapes on the vines; though the olive crop fails and the
fields produce no food; though there are no sheep in the
pen and no cattle in the stalls
V18 yet, I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my
V19 “The Sovereign
Lord is my strength;
He makes my feet
like the feet of a
deer, He enables
me to tread on the
How often have you asked the
Lord, “how long will it be before
You answer me?” How long will
You let sin rule?
His answer remains the same:
“Look … watch… and be utterly
amazed!...The revelation awaits
an appointed time…though it
lingers, wait for it; it will certainly
come without delay.”
“The righteous will live by their
His Promise:
V19 “The Sovereign
Lord is my strength; He
makes my feet like
the feet of a deer, He
enables me to tread
on the heights.”
Do it again, Lord!
Wait for it!