BIB 114
Unit 2
Early Narratives &
Prep for Ministry
Luke 1 = Elizabeth, Zechariah, & John
Luke is the only gospel that tells the story of John the Baptizer’s
conception and birth.
Duties of the priests (I Chronicles 23 & 24)
Be in charge of the Temple work
Be officials and judges
Musicians of worship & praise
Offer sacrifices and minister before the Lord
Pronounce blessings
Be responsible for the Temple courtyard, side rooms, purify all
sacred things, etc.
Cast lots for service rotation
Let’s look at Zechariah and Elizabeth’s story/events
John’s purpose: 1) to be a joy to his parents and others; 2) turn
many Israelites back to the Lord; 3) to prepare the people for
the coming Messiah
John was a Judean, Jesus was a Galilean…Galileans were
more accepting of other cultures and friendlier. Judeans were
more rigid, closed, serious, and concerned with religious purity.
John: accused of being too sober; Jesus was accused of
being a drunkard and glutton…
Both Matt and Luke record the ‘annunciation of the birth of
Jesus…Matt focuses on Joseph’s experience while Luke
focuses on Mary’s experience…remember who each gospel
writer was writing to…
What would the Christmas story be like without both records?
Without Luke, the story of the angels and shepherds would be
Without Matt, there would be no record of the Wisemen’s visit
and Joseph taking Mary and Jesus to Egypt for safety running
from King Herod
Luke’s Christmas Details
Jesus’ parents lived in Nazareth
before His birth (1:26; 2:4).
Mary was Elizabeth’s relative
Mary stayed with Elizabeth for
three months before the birth of
John the Baptist (1:3956).
Caesar Augustus decreed that a
census should be taken of the
entire Roman world (2:1).
Joseph and Mary went to
Bethlehem, where Christ was
born, to register because of
Caesar’s decree (2:1–7).
An angel announced Christ’s birth
(accompanied by a host of praising
angels) to nearby shepherds, who
then went to visit Him (2:820).
Christ underwent rites of
circumcision and purification in
accordance with the Law (2:2139).
Christ experienced normal
childhood growth and
development as He matured (2:40
Visual 6
Jesus’ Lineage…
Starts with Abraham and
ends with Jesus
Names from Abraham to
David same in both
Names from David to Jesus
very different from Luke’s
Matt identified Jesus’ royal
lineage the Messiah
Starts with Jesus and ends
with Adam
Names from Abraham to
David same in both
Names from David to Jesus
very different from Matt
Luke identified Jesus’
physical lineage thru Mary
Map of Jesus’ Early Years
Visual 8
Session 5
Worksheet #8
Matt 2:13-16 = Herod’s jealousy and rage against the Messiah’s
birth and Magi’s visit fulfilled the prophesy of Hosea 11:1
After the return to Nazareth, we read nothing more about the
baby Jesus until he is 12/13 in Luke 2:49 Jesus at the Temple.
By this time, Jesus already understood Who He was look at His
response to Mary and Joseph after they returned to the
Temple to find Jesus. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my
Father’s house?”
Jesus returned to Nazareth obedient to His earthly parents
fulfilling the Law with respect and love.
A look at “John’s baptism”
he is known as the ‘last OT
Thoughts about water
baptism and us as
believers…Romans 6: 3 & 4
Jesus’ Baptism – Matt 3,
Mark 1, and Luke 3
Jesus did not have to
repent … pure – no sins
Matt 3:15 Jesus said, “Let it
be so now; it is proper for
us to do this to fulfill all
Satan tempts Jesus:
Protection and
Matt 4: 1 - 11
Heb 2: 18
“Because He Himself
suffered when He was
tempted, He is able to
help those who are
being tempted.”
Unit 2
The Early Judean and Galilean Ministry
Early Time Markers:
Birth of Jesus Herod the Great’s reign and death = 4bc; Matt
2:1 & Luke 2: 4-7
Beginning of John’s ministry during the 15th year of Tiberius
Caesar’s reign: 27 – 29ad (Luke 3: 1 3)
Jesus is approximately 30 yr old (Luke 3: 23)
Archelaus begins his reign after Herod’s death (Matt 2: 19 22)
Unit #2
Session #6
Worksheet #9
John the Baptizer was imprisoned during Herod Antipas’ rule
at the end of Jesus’ first year of ministry
Read: Matt 4: 12 and Mark 1: 14 These verses connect John’s
imprisonment with Jesus’ decision to return to Galilee. Jesus
was avoiding unnecessary exposure to Him and His ministry.
The Early Period Galilean Ministry
Mark 1: 14 3: 19
Matt 4: 12 12: 14
Luke 4: 14 17; and Luke 9: 1 6
Jesus’ 2nd Year of Ministry = Middle
and Late Galilean Period
The middle period shows increasing events of conflict,
controversy and decline in His popularity…Why?
Let’s look at:
Luke 7: 18 35 John the Baptizer’s questions
Matt 11: 20 24 Jesus condemnation of Galilean cities
Mark 6: 1 6 Unbelief and rejection in hometown Nazareth
John 6: 22 71 Many followers reject His ultimate purpose
Matt 14: 1 13 John the Baptizer is beheaded
Overall, Jesus’
Galilean ministry
lasted approx. 20
Jesus spent an
amount of time
with His disciples